Frisch unter die 100 besten Songs des Jahres von gewählt (Platz 25) – Jess Harvel von Pitchfork schreibt:
“Smart bands are wary of repeating their greatest hits to the point of diminishing returns. Really smart bands know they shouldn’t avoid returning to their successes entirely, especially if they can tweak them just enough to make them feel new. And so six years after the career-defining howl of regret that was “The Rat”, the Walkmen released “Angela Surf City”, almost equal in intensity but more than a rewrite. Instead of a frighteningly claustrophobic wall-of-sound, “Angela” moves gracefully from spare verses to furious choruses, frontman Hamilton Leithauser revving from surprising restraint to a pitch of pained romanticism. But if the song bores itself into your brain immediately, it’s probably thanks to the fearsome force, precision, and speed of drummer Matt Barrick. His booming surf rock recreation on the verses is the song’s best hook, and when he rolls into the choruses, it’s as much of a release as Leithauser’s yearning yowl.”